SmokeBuddy Mega Green Personal Air Filter

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Smoke Buddy Mega Green

Smokebuddy MEGA is our newest smokebuddy. Designed with a filter twice as large as the Original Smokebuddy. The flat shape fits in your hand and looks great. Every Smokebuddy MEGA includes a MEGA size Mr. MegaBuddy LED keychain that will light up when you squeeze him.Smokebuddy MEGA will last the heavy users months and possibly years. The Smokebuddy MEGA is a handy, and reliable, life saving air filter. Simply exhale your smoke through your easy-to-use Smokebuddy MEGA and odorless air comes out the other end. Smoke where you want, and when you want without anyone knowing the wiser. Keep second hand smoke away from friends, family, and neighbors with your Smokebuddy MEGA.

Includes - Mr. Mega Buddy Keychain with LED light
Travel Caps Included for storing discretely
Environmentally friendly product
Keeps second hand smoke away from friends, family, and neighbors
Magically removes smoke and odor
Estimated at 600 uses or more


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